Early Childhood Education
Cafeteria - At The Table
Host a taste test! Set up taste tests using local foods from the garden, farmers market, or local farm stand!
Children can taste new or unfamiliar foods.
Describe colors, shapes and textures
Hand out these cool farm to school stickers.
GoNapsacc Taste test ‘How to’: Pruebas de degustación enelaula/Taste testing in the Classroom →in Spanish here and English here.
Check out this amazing recipe catalog with recipes from around the world y aqui en Español
Classroom - At Play
Learn How Plants Grow.
Explore how various vegetables and fruits grow in the garden and enjoy fun activities through a series of lessons. https://growing-minds.org/preschool-lesson-plans/
Explore this thoughtful curricula that includes books, activities and best practices for educators, Cultivating Joy and Wonder: For Sustainability In Early Childhood Through Nature Food And Community from Shelburne Farms
Community - With Families and Caregivers
Promote and Enhance Parent and Family Engagement.
Invite caregivers to visit your garden
Encourage families to stop by a Connecticut local farmers market or go apple picking as a family engagement activity.
Check out this resource on engaging families in Farm to Early Care
Story Time!

There are so many amazing books out there to bring culturally reflective learning to exploring food, farms, gardening and nutrition!
Ready Set, Grow! The Food Trust’s multicultural collection of farm to ECE books highlights children’s books that feature characters from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, many of which are authored by writers of color. The list includes books that are either bilingual or written exclusively in Spanish and cover a wide variety of farm to ECE related topics including gardening, farms, cooking, family meals, farmers markets, shopping for food and more.
Anywhere Farm by Phyllis Root. A fun introduction into growing things in the city, an old can, or anywhere!
Seeds Move! by Robin Page. An illustration of different ways that seeds disperse.

For more resources, click below!