CT School Garden Alliance
The School Garden Alliance is a collaboration of organizations engaged in school garden work across Connecticut.
Here are a few organizations that make up the CT School Garden Alliance.
If you'd like more information about getting involved in the CT School Garden Alliance
Contact: robyn.stewart@nhep.com
New Britain Roots// New Britain, CT
Launched in 2013, New Britain ROOTS is a school garden support organization, serving all K-12 schools in New Britain. Our mission was born out of the need to improve the understanding of the role food plays in our health and how growing gardens serves as an important tool to engage children in food education. Since our inception, ROOTS has built thirteen school gardens in New Britain, 3 greenhouses, and developed and taught several gardening education programs that have served over 3,000 children. The City Growers program is key to the success of our gardens. High school youth are involved in the maintenance and production across all the gardens throughout the year in this paid apprenticeship. ROOTS also operates a farmers market, including a mobile farm stand in which youth sell produce at many locations in New Britain, including 3 school farm stand sites.


Common Ground Schoolyards Program //
New Haven, CT
Common Ground is a center for learning and leadership, inviting people across ages and identities to connect to their urban environment, build community, grow into their full potential, and contribute to a just and sustainable world. We work toward this mission through active, authentic learning rooted in justice and our environment: a farm, in a forest, in a city.
The Schoolyards Program of Common Ground supports the creation and effective use of school gardens, schoolyard habitats, and outdoor classrooms in schools. We believe that by using our knowledge and resources to provide professional and technical support, we can help schools realize the full potential of teaching outside in deepening the academic and emotional learning of their students.
We work with schools, school districts and non-profit organizations statewide and are founding members of the CT School Garden Alliance. From a one-time class to year-long outdoor learning packages, our support helps increase outdoor learning at schools across New Haven and across Connecticut.

Hartford School Garden Council //
Hartford, CT
The Hartford Garden Council is a volunteer-led community resource working to promote, build and sustain flourishing edible school gardens at Hartford public schools. We help schools build, expand, and maintain gardens, and support the development of garden-integrated curriculum in the classrooms.